Tuesday 29 December 2009

Make money with YouTube

7 Easy Steps to Making Money Online

How to start a $50,000 + business. Literally copy my method, for making money online.

Everybody is searching for that elusive niche ebook, knowing that when they find it, they will make an absolute killing. Many ordinary people have made tens of thousands of dollars, in a home based business, making money online, from that one Goldmine ebook.
Publishing ebooks is a proven home based business, for making money online, which can be run from home, in your spare time; until you get full time earnings, for part time hours and say goodbye to the Boss! Making money online is a goal of many people wanting a home based business, but finding niches to exploit can be both time consuming and frustrating unless you know to look. The problem with is many marketing gurus will tell you how ‘they’ made their fortunes (at a price), but they rarely ‘show you’ how to do it.
Well thankfully not all marketers are the same. In this article I’m going to ‘show you’ the simple Easy Steps To Making Money Online strategies, that anyone can use to find many niche markets, that can be used to make money online. They you can sell as many of your ebooks to them, as you could possibly want, making a really successful home based business.
The best thing is that all the resources, I’ll show you to use, are Freely available on the internet. So you can try these at home without spending a single dime!

A word of warning here, these steps are easy, but if you are not prepared to put in a bit of effort doing your research, then you had just as well stop reading this article now!!

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 1

Go to It won’t cost a penny to use. This is a truly remarkable tool to narrow down a large niche, to the Goldmine sub niche that will put dollars in your bank account. Making money online suddenly becomes a whole lot easier. In the search box, type in your keyword. E.g. “golf slice”. The results that are displayed are the number of searches, for that keyword, or keyword phrase per DAY. So 100 per day equates to 3000 a month.
Note down or use ‘copy and paste’ to put all these results into Notepad, Word or some other word processing package. Pop them into a folder titled “Golf Niche Research” (for example).
The next 2 steps for making money online use two great research tools, Dummies and Amazon. They sell books, but don’t worry we won’t be competing against them, as part of your home based business. We’ll be producing a digital ebook, which can be sent to your customers immediately, once they’ve parted with their dollars and it won’t cost you a penny in shipping!! Great idea yeah?
Another fascinating thing about downloadable ebooks is that oddly enough ebooks have a higher perceived value. Dummies might charge $15 + shipping for a normal book and the customer will have to wait a day or more for its delivery. You’ll be delivering your $40+ ebook to them, making money online, instantly. They get immediate gratification for their dollars and access to your ebook – you bank the cash.

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 2

Go to Here is a great free tool for the aspiring ebook publisher. You will find loads of possible niche topics by searching the Dummies book range. Search through the titles in general niches, e.g. Golf, as my example and again note down possible sub niche titles (e.g. golf slice cure), considering the keywords you already had from Step1 above. Note down the results and pop into your “Golf Niche Research” folder, as before under the title “Dummies Research” for example.

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 3

Go to This is truly an amazing resource for locating niche markets. Very few people know this one – you’re now one of the few! In the search bar select “books”. Then type in the niche you’d like to create an ebook around. Go through the lists of books, and jot down in Notepad etc. any interesting book titles, especially any which you see links with previous research in Steps 1 and 2. Put these results into your “Golf Niche Research” folder as before, under the title “Amazon Research”.

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 4

Go to This is the third great free, home based business resource, for locating subjects to create ebooks around, enabling you to make money online. Type in your niche subject into the search bar and you’ll be amazed at hundreds and thousands of ebook ideas, which could make money online, for you. Again note down possible ideas in Notepad etc. and pop into your “Golf Niche Research” folder, called “Articles Research”.

The aim is to end up with an Enormous List of possible niche topics from Steps 1 to 4.

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 5

Take each of your research files in your “Golf Niche Research” folder, print them out with the title on e.g. “Dummies Research”. Lay they out side by side on the kitchen table – not a good idea around meal times, nor if your 1 year old is around – they tend to eat anything. Some kids have no respect for a $ 50,000 + ebook project, do they?
Take a highlight pen, scan your pages looking for items that link and highlight them. Use a different color for separate sub niches. You are now beginning to create a sharper focus, for your ebook ideas, for making money online.

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 6

To be really thorough, go back to and type in some of the sub niche ideas you have found from step 5 above. If there are a lot of people searching for these keywords or keyword phrases (e.g. golf slice cure or golf for seniors), at least 5000 a month; then you’ve located an ebook topic, that could make you some really serious money online. Remember in this search tool, the results shown are per day. So any keywords with around 170 searches per day, equates to that 5000 per month target. Your home based business is now almost ready to roll out.

Now let me make one thing clear. What I’ve laid out today are a set of Easy Steps that literally anyone can follow to find that elusive Goldmine ebook. They are easy steps to making money online, but does require a bit of effort. Don’t think that for one minute that you can chuck together a website, sit back and get rich. Many marketers would have a home based business like yours, believe this.
Done properly with the structured approach I have set out, could dramatically change your financial situation. In time you could give up the day job and have your own homed based business, making some serious money online. You won’t become rich overnight, but by setting up a network of mini websites, that each makes $2000+ a month it can seriously affect your wealth!!

I think I know what you’re thinking, “How can I possibly write an ebook”, to make money online, even after doing my research? I’ll describe two options here. The first involves a cost; the second won’t cost you a penny!

Easy Steps To Making Money Online: 7

If you don’t have specialist knowledge of your sub niche topic, to write your own ebook, you can hire a writer to do it for you. Go to For around $500 a ghostwriter, will create the entire ebook for you. You put your name on it, publish it and keep 100 % of the dollar sales.

Alternatively, you can create it the Free way. I’ll go into more detail about this, in my next article, or if you’d like to find out more, click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser. You are welcome to subscribe to my free weekly newsletter, offering more great tips for making money online and home based business ideas. There are several hours of free video training included! Yes free video!

When you have got your ebook, you’ll be able to set up a downloadable system. This will run on autopilot, delivering your ebook to your customers and collecting their payments 24/7. Money will be going into your bank account – even while you are asleep - this has to be the best bit!

Please take action and try these steps out. I promise – anyone can do this, just follow my Easy Step strategies for making money online. Until next time, happy researching for that Goldmine ebook.

Tony Ziegler is an information publisher, specializing in helping people start their own home based business, for making money online. You can find how to create your own ebook info products, in one day, without writing a single word and free video training, by going to

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Thursday 24 December 2009

Secrets of Making Money Online

One of the main secrets on how to make money online is to give people what they want! How are you supposed to know what they want? Easy what do you want? The key to having a successful business is that basic. Giving people what they want and the best way to do this is to know what you want. Now I know your thinking there are plenty of things I could sell that I don't necessarily want but other people do, which is true so you have to look at is from another perspective if I did want this product how would I want it. This is truly the great secret of making money online act as if you are your own customer and make sure you are being treated the way you want to be treated when purchasing items online.

Another one of the main secrets of making money online is to let people know you have what they want. Its all about Marketing Marketing Marketing! You could have the best product in the world but if people don’t know you have it what good is it going to do. Now you might be wondering again I thought this article was supposed to be teaching me the secrets of making money online and how is marketing your product one of the secrets of making money online sense everyone knows you need to market your product. Which is true the need to market your product is not one of the great secrets of making money online but the ways you market your product are. Now its time to learn the marketing secrets of making money online.

Marketing Secrets of Making Money Online #1 – Google Adwords
Now you are probably thinking Google Adwords is not one of the secrets of making money online everyone already knows about Google Adwords. Which may be true but very few people know the secrets of how to use it correctly to make money online. If you don’t follow certain rules when using Google Adwords then you could end up spending allot of money without making any in return. Rule #1 know your budget you need to know what each click is worth to you and not spend over that amount when first starting out do not bid over 15 cents per click. Rule # 2 If you can’t be in one of the top 4 spots with your budget then don’t bid. Now I know you’re now wondering how you are supposed to bid on top placing spots with such a low budget and that brings us too… Rule #3 bid on specific phrases that don’t have allot of competition and remember only bid on the phrases that will get you in the top 4 spots.

Marketing Secrets of Making Money Online # 2 – Create your own eBooks and reports Give them away for free and give other people the option to give them away for free also. I’m sure your wondering now how giving away things can count as one of the marketing secrets of making money online. Simple every one you give away will have a link back to your very own website. And when other people give them away (because people are always looking for good free info to give out on the internet) those will have a link back to your website also. Soon enough you will have links to your website all over the internet for FREE. It does not get much better then that does it. The best part of doing it this way vs. just getting your link out their with other methods is these are things people download to their computer so if they don’t buy the first time you can be sure if you have good info in it they will look at it again and again each time gives you more of a chance for them to click on your link and buy something. That’s why its one of the great secrets of making money online.

I hope you enjoyed learning some of these secrets of making money online. Of course there are many other secrets of making money online but sense this is supposed to be a short article I just focused on the ones people find to be the most profitable. Of course one of the biggest secrets of making money online is taking ACTION. Again you’re saying that’s not a secret everyone knows you need to take action. My question for you is this then if so many people know they need to take action then why do so few people actually do it? Don’t be one of those people TAKE ACTION NOW.

Here’s to your success!

To sign up for our FREE internet marketing course/newsletter and download your FREE copy of the popular eBook Dotcomology visit [] why you are there learn how you can get a website set up for you with 6 automated RESIDUAL income streams!

Ella James

Article Source:

Thursday 17 December 2009

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Making Money Online - 3 Little Known Ways For Making Money Online

There are hundreds of different ways you can start making
money online and here are three little known ways for you
start making money online that work.

Your first idea for making money online is to start your
very own classified ad site. There are literally thousands
and thousands of businesses and internet users looking to
advertise online.

So you can start by offering these
people advertising. It's not that complicated to start your own classified ad
site and once it is set up, it can be a very profitable
hands off way of making money online.

Here's a great source to help you get started: ""

The second little known way for you to start making money
online is to set up a local real estate listings site.

What you can do with this is to offer home sellers a free
basic type of listing with an option to upgrade to a better
premium listing for a small monthly fee. With the upgrade, they could upload pictures, virtual
tours, etc

You will also be able to start making money online with
your site by offering advertising to local real estate
agencies and businesses.

Another great little known way for making money online is
to start your own online gaming site. Online gaming is
a billion dollar a year industry so why not get in on
some that action. Doing this with your gaming site isn't that hard
at all. There are hundreds of sites that offer affiliate
programs and pay out huge commissions.

All you have to do is advertise for them. If you can get
two or three gaming sites brining you in cash each month
you would probably be making more money online in one
month than most people do working all year. There are tons more little known ways for making money
online but space is limited in this article.

However, if you are really interested in learning other
easy, quick, little known ways for making money online
then check out my resource at the end of this article.

Do you want to learn about little known, easy ways to make money on the internet that work?

===> Download my new FREE guide titled:

"Your Step By Step Guide To Making $700.00 In Seven Days On The Internet!"

Gary has been making money on the internet full time, for over 11 years. He has created internet businesses that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to learn how to really make money on the internet then listen to what Gary says and download his FREE guide.

Article Source:

Making Money & Making Money Online - How Can You Make Money Online?

How can you make money online?

Well the answer is simply not that simple if you can bear with me. Ever since the dawn of the Internet, it has evolved into a force to be reckoned with and continues to be so for many successful companies and corporations. Every year the amount of money being spent online with consumer purchases increases dramatically and the trend continues to rise steeply. The Internet is becoming a familiar place in many homes and consumers can purchase items more easily today then ever before. Websites and merchant sites have safe and secure methods for transactions to take place and your items are in general cheaper to buy online then traveling to your favorite outlet or store to get what you desire.

This is the real deal.

The online phenomenon market is growing rapidly everyday, and Internet Marketing is quickly becoming the global force that is being recognized quickly as a force that needs to be acknowledged and reckoned with. This year is no different and next year will be even bigger with no doubt. Opportunity is there and there is no greater an opportunity then now for you to start claiming your piece of this multi-billion dollar industry that is growing at an incredible pace. This is the future of millionaires who are treading onto the Internet and making money online at home. There are virtually more millionaires being created online then ever before, and that pace is growing.

How can you make money as an Internet Marketer?

Here's the secret... sell stuff online.

Not to helpful for anyone interested in making money online with no experience or computer savvy is it.

How do you sell stuff online and make money exactly?

Well it won't be learned from magic or secrets. You as I'm sure reading this have already seen or been exposed to, or otherwise heard of online scams about making money online, and how the information was a ripoff or a scam, correct? Truth is, there are no magic formulas or guru secrets that will suddenly empower you with the means of making money and becoming fabulously rich overnight.

There is no such thing. It doesn't exist and never will.

Internet marketing is not something new. Each year Internet marketers (including myself) earn tens of billions of dollars online in revenue selling products for online companies. It may sound complicated to you, but you will be surprised at how simple this process is. Making money online as an Internet marketer is something literally anyone can learn. Here is the break down in a very simplified explanation of how this works.

Drive Internet "traffic" to companies websites
Consumer buys product from said company site and you earn a commission from the sale
Get paid directly from company each pay period through mail, pay-pal, or direct deposit to your bank

Now this can sound easy, but making money online as an affiliate marketer can be tricky and a difficult process for some people that struggle to learn techniques and strategies for driving traffic. This very basis is what has been the foundation for other Internet Marketers to capitalize on with their own products themselves. There is a very large market online for people interested in making money online from home. Therefore it can be frustrating and complicated for someone with no experience and no knowledge of how to start this type of work making money online. For the average person, we are bombarded with "how-to" strategies and methods being marketed to us ourselves on how to make money online.

The raw truth of the matter

The process of evaluating and educating yourself on all those ebooks, programs, and courses that promise you riches quickly and guarantee your success is quite a task. How can you be sure you will gain the knowledge you seek and learn how to make money online? If you have ever bought a product that guaranteed your success or a program that was promising you how to make money online then you have possibly felt the same way many others have. It was like sitting at a slot machine in Vegas and taking a gamble. You probably felt it was a risk you were willing to take in the hopes and possibilities that there was valuable information you would miss out on. That is literally the feeling many people have experienced as they searched for something online about making money. It feels like your gambling and the honest truth is the odds are in the house's favor big time. People buy schemes to make money daily, and every day people are ripped off and scammed by offers in their emails or something they have surfed the web to find. That is the unfortunate truth behind all this.

Learning how to make money online and develop the skills necessary for such a task does not take very long.

There is a learning curve and for some people it can be a big one as it was for myself. However, it can be relatively easy and simple to learn how to make money online. The concepts, strategies, techniques, methods, and otherwise "formula" that you can develop money making skills, can literally be taught to you with a membership site known as The Wealthy Affiliate University. This is where people such as myself have ultimately ended up after a little work and interest in such a thing.

Through this membership website you will be guided and educated in a "boot-camp" method as I like to refer to it. Learning how to make money online as an Internet Marketer is what Wealthy Affiliate is all about basically. You will learn the high level steps of how Internet marketing works, and many aspects of Internet marketing that you need to learn if you plan to make money online. You can be taught everything necessary that you need to know and be provided with all the tools and learning resources that you need to start earning money online.

Now keep in mind the most important aspect of this article. This is simply a means of learning HOW to make money online. There are plenty of avenues for Internet marketing. Wealthy Affiliate is a one of a kind resource for teaching new and aspiring Internet marketers the means to do so.

Learn Where and How I became a successful Internet Marketer and let me show you the way.

Be A Force To Be Reckoned With!

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Making Money Online - How Do We Get There

Making money online is surely one of the smartest ways to earn money these days. Making money online is not a trick. Making money online is extremely simple and easy if you have the right tools and approach. The research involved with making money online is relatively simple. All in my entire attitude towards making money online is a positive one as I have experienced it to be pretty fruitful one way or the other. I feel in a day and age where our expenses seem to be expanding and our income shrinking making money online is a perfect opportunity for people to create another stream of revenue. My attitude towards making money online is that it's one of the most empowering and profitable ways of all to earn a living. It seems that the word is spreading amongst people tired of the daily grind of working for someone else that making money online is the way to go. In today's society, increasing numbers of people are quitting their regular jobs with the hope of becoming one's own boss and becoming rich but making money online is not a quick fix. One of the most popular methods of making money online is by affiliate marketing where a person becomes an unpaid (commissions only) salesperson for a company, internet or otherwise and is paid for sales, or on occasion leads.

I am used to earn in real world, but it is so much more interesting for me to learn how to make money online. Here is the secret that many webmasters overlook: having a website is not enough to make money, you will need to find a way of turning those visitors into a revenue stream. So eyes forward, pay attention, and decide which money making method is best for your website. To me, part of the lure of online money making lies in the creation and execution of ideas. Making money online can be easy, it can be hard, but to make money online the tools are the most important. Many people dream of running their own successful home business to make money and enhance the quality of their life and so they no longer have a boss to answer to. Many are now realizing that good money is made from this source of revenue. I'm sure you want Internet business success and do what so many other people are doing to making money online.

Compared to a formal business, doing business on the web does not cost a lot of money. The basic investment you will need is a web site domain, hosting account, autoresponder service and a modest budget if you want to advertise your business to get traffic. It is not like a conventional business where you have to get a loan or mortgage your house for your business start up capital. There's a lot of money to be made for the ones who truly understand this business. Besides all of that making money from home is a business. Our tax system is designed to help business, not employees. So you can work from home and write off all kinds of things on your taxes as business expenses. Start an Online Business; Starting your own online business or company allows you to make money off the provision of specific services or products you may have. You should do some in depth research before you decide to settle on a specific niche for your business.

Affiliate marketing is a big and profitable industry that covers a wide spectrum of topics and fields. Affiliates make money online by referring customers to their merchants. Affiliate Marketing can also bring you great financial success. Affiliates don't have to endure the stresses and strains of running that company but still have the opportunity to earn a cut of it.

Some products sell so fast and with so little work that there payment gateways have actually crashed because of to many sales. With reselling rights you will be able to sell legally someone other products and charge full amount. Also you can make online money with multiple shops if you have the right products. We offer a wide range of products and services, powerful tools and research to help you achieve your goals. Whether you then choose to sell your own services or products to your readers or to recommend them to other services using advertising is entirely up to you. Although you might at some stage want to sell your own products, being an affiliate means you do not have to have one of your own to make money online.

My Internet Business is giving you all necessary tools, trainings and support. My Internet Business was created as an answer to the outcry of struggling marketers and seasoned marketers that just want more time freedom. My Internet Business also features professional ad copy written my top internet marketing copywriters to maximize conversions. My Internet Business features one of the most comprehensive training centers ever available to home business entrepreneurs. My Internet Business was created as the solution to finally succeeding online with an internet business. My Internet Business gives you a product library including videos, audio recordings, templates, e-books, and more as well as physical products to get your business started. My Internet Business is also affordable, with start up fees that won't break the bank, as well as a high commission at the top level, meaning that the amount of work a business owner puts into the program is going to be equal to the amount of money that they are able to get out of the program. My Internet Business offers a expanding range of exclusive products. We have compiled all of the most popular and powerful money making opportunities that every website owner should consider.

My Internet Business is one of the most highly anticipated businesses of the 2008 calendar year. My Internet Business is allowing every day individuals to earn a fantastic income working from the comfort of their homes, with no previous online business experience.

I would like to add to all this that making money online is not something that happens miraculously. The secret to making money online is focus. The key to making money online is through multiple streams of income. With focus and determination, making money online is not that hard. In truth, making money online is not any different from making money in the real world. One of the greatest advantages of making money online is that you need not be any computer genius to be good at your job. While making money online is easy, and can be fun at the same time, it can also take a considerable amount of time to accomplish. Final Words, Making money online is a great thing.

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